Discover the many different applications that we can help with in your plant. Browse through our downloadable
informational documents. Please contact us or schedule a call with a sales engineer if you have any questions.
Production Parts
Go Lean 4.0
Lean Initiatives
20 Ways to Reduce Inventories
9 Biggest Myths About Automated Parts Storage
Calculating the True Cost of Storage Space
Calculating the True Cost of Labor
Overcoming the Warehouse Labor Shortage
Overcoming the Warehouse Labor Shortage
10 Signs Its Time to Rethink Your Intralogistic
Maintenance, Spare Parts & Tooling Cribs
Extreme Storeroom Makeover
Save Space & Money by Automating MRO Crib
Manual MRO Methods of the Past are Costly
How to Store More in Less Space
Smart Solutions for Automating Spare Parts
Smart Solutions - Automating the MRO Crib
BMW Manufacturing Expands with VLM
ATEL Bus & Truck - Automated MRO Crib
Filing Storage
Lektriever - Automated File Storage
Office Space That Works Harder
Union Medical Center - Regained 79% Floor Space
University Keeps Files Accessible & Secure
Museum Reduces Storage Area by 40%