Positioning Your Order Picking Team for Success

Positioning Your Order Picking Team for Success

How automated goods-to-person storage and retrieval systems deliver ergonomic benefits that yield higher
productivity, better accuracy and reduced operational costs.

Every sport — from cycling to soccer, golf to ice hockey — requires safety equipment to minimize the risk of injury
to athletes. Whether it’s special shoes with cleats or spikes for better grip on the ground, pads and helmets that
deflect impacts, or guards that shield the face, using the right gear keeps both amateur and professionals safe.
Without it, an injury could result not only in pain for the athlete, but in the case of professional sports, negatively
impact a team’s performance.

Likewise, when it comes to warehouse and distribution employees, more organizations are deploying
ergonomically designed automation systems. These ergonomic solutions help workers complete picking and order
fulfillment tasks while simultaneously eliminating the risk of injury. In addition to enhancing safety, the devices can
boost productivity and reduce a variety of costs — positioning both workers and companies for operational

This white paper reviews the costs of injuries associated with overexertion and explores three ways automated
storage systems improve worker ergonomics and productivity. It also shares an overview of two different
operations that implemented such a system and their results.

White Paper: Positioning Your Order Picking Team For Success

Positioning Your Order Picking Team for Success

Positioning Your Order Picking Team for Success×

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